The Parker Task Force for Human Services is dedicated to providing individuals and families in our community with food, limited financial assistance and other support services to help them become self-sufficient.

COMPASSION We maintain a cheerful, friendly atmosphere where clients feel comfortable and welcome.
RESPECT We offer a personal choice shopping experience without judging the circumstances that bring people to us.
DIGNITY We help clients find a path to improving their lives and returning to self-sufficiency.
CONFIDENTIALITY We protect client privacy as our 100% volunteer staff works to connect clients to additional resources.
History – Since 1987
Parker Task Force for Human Services (PTF) was founded on February 3, 1987 by four local women representing their churches, the fire district and other community minded individuals. Begun to help indigent travelers, PTF was initially housed in the barn of one of its founders. Focus soon shifted to helping local residents struggling to make ends meet and PTF moved to the centrally located Quonset hut on Mainstreet — now home to O’Brien Park. Subsequent demand for additional space necessitated moves to the Parker Mainstreet Center (now known as The Schoolhouse) and the Old Town Hall. On September 1, 2015, we moved into our current independent location at 19105 Longs Way.

Today, PTF continues to serve struggling individuals and families living in Parker, Franktown and Elizabeth with the goal of homeless prevention. We provide food to fill empty cupboards and limited financial assistance to prevent eviction and utility shut-offs.
Despite the affluence in Douglas County, our clients are suffering financial or personal crisis due to job loss, illness, accidents or other problems. Many people who come to us do not qualify for government assistance programs. PTF works with people based on their individual circumstances, helping clients find a path to improvement and a return to self-sufficiency. We do not charge for any of our services.
PTF was founded as an all-volunteer agency and remains so to this day. Because our 100% volunteer staff takes no wages or salaries, over 90% of donations are used for the direct benefit of our clients. Our overhead is low and largely consists of building maintenance, utilities and office supplies. We conduct food drives in the community throughout the year to stock our food bank shelves.
A copy of our W-9 and IRS Form 990 is available on request. Our non-profit registration information is available from the Office of the Colorado Secretary of State.