
I felt like I was drowning in stress and worry and now I am able to catch up
and breathe again and sleep at night. Words don’t describe how much I appreciate you …”

PTF Client – Single mother with young children

Food Donations

For our most recent Needs List, click here.

For more information on food drives and donations, click here.

Your donations stock our shelves with groceries
Local gardeners provide fresh vegetables

Monetary Donations

Your monetary contributions are always needed. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. To pay by checking, make checks payable to the Parker Task Force and mail to:

Parker Task Force
19105 Longs Way
Parker, CO 80134

You can make a secure online donation with PayPal for amounts of $5,000 or less.  Click on the “Donate” button below:

Parker Task Force
—- Food Bank —-

Special Program Donations

Please select the donate button below the program of your choice

— Memorial Fund —

Carol Jean Huber

— Thanksgiving —

– Adopt-A-Family –

Support Parker Task Force

We rely on the support of our community to continue providing our vital services. Please consider donating to join us in our mission of providing individuals and families in our community with food, limited financial assistance and other support services to help them become self-sufficient.

Colorado Gives Day is an annual giving movement inspiring thousands of donors to “Give Where You Live” and generously help Colorado nonprofits serving local communities. Your donation to Parker Task Force strengthens our 100% volunteer-run organization and helps those in need in our community. Visit our Colorado Gives Day Profile today.

Want a tax benefit and a way to help the Parker Task Force?  Donate any car, truck, RV or boat. Be spared the ordeal of selling your vehicle and make a valuable contribution to your neighbors in need.

More Information

PLEASE NOTE: The Parker Task Force does not conduct telephone appeals and does not authorize others to do so on our behalf. Please protect your privacy and do not give to any solicitors over the phone.