Parker Town Council Recognizes PTF

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We don’t do what we do for the recognition, but it is gratifying when people notice and thank us for our service to the community.  That is precisely what occurred on February 22, 2022 at the Town Council Meeting when PTF  Volunteers, represented by Volunteer Chairman Steve Budnack and volunteers Michael Bain and Diane Roth, were presented with a Recognition Certificate from the Town of Parker for our positive impact on the greater Parker area.  Council member Laura Hefta visited PTF one busy Saturday morning to learn more about what we do. After witnessing our volunteers in action, she was moved to nominate PTF Volunteers to receive this recognition.

As posted on social media by the Mayor of Parker, “A great night for the Town of Parker, Colorado and Town Council to recognize the extraordinary contributions of the Parker Task Force For Human Services. Steve Budnack and his amazing team are celebrating 35 years of service to the communities of Parker, Elizabeth and Franktown — and without ever having paid staff. Our Chief of Police spoke of the valued partnership between Parker Police Department and the Task Force. We appreciate the safety net this organization provides our community.”

Thank you, Parker Town Council. We appreciate the accolades and are energized to continue our 35 year tradition of helping our neighbors in need.